Resolutions–what are those?

Resolutions are something people make at the beginning of the year to start something–like a fitness routine, eating healthy, or a new hobby–or quit something (i.e. smoking, swearing, eating junk food). The problem with this set up is the goal doesn’t usually have a plan. Discouragement soon follows when results aren’t instantaneous or easy.

Last year, I used Trello to create a board focused on goals to be a better me. I wanted a space that I could come back to and visually see my goals pertaining to better health, a better mind, spiritual journey and professional development. This method worked so much better for me than making a list on paper and losing it. I have also been constantly updating it and commenting in each section.

This is my 2015 board:Goals to a better me

Take a peek at my updated 2016 board:

Goals to a Better Me 2016

I adjusted my goals slightly for the coming year, but the categories will mostly stay the same. Although I added a “wife” category now that I’m married!

One of my goals was to read more, and I kept my list of books I’d like to read there and checked them off as I finished each one. Although the list became very lengthy, I now have a place to jot down a new book recommendation when I hear it rather than forgetting about it.Better Mind Goals

I understand waiting for a definitive day, like New Year’s Day, to start making changes or goals, but shouldn’t we be trying to better ourselves every day rather than attempting it once a year?

With the new year, let’s start extending grace to ourselves when we inevitably fail to meet our own expectations and extending grace to others. No one is perfect, but we can all be a little better.

Do you make new year resolutions? I’d love to hear your process for becoming a better version of yourself. Leave a comment below. 


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